Psychedelics: A new kind of trip
Front Line Genomics,
When we think about consciousness, we often consider it as being aware of one’s internal and external existence. But while there…
When we think about consciousness, we often consider it as being aware of one’s internal and external existence. But while there…
Approximately 200,000 years ago, the early human brain evolved at an extreme rate, almost suddenly. What caused this major…
Psylocybina to substancja halocynogenna, zawarta w niektórych grzybach. Jaka jest zależność między psylocybiną a depresją?
From Singing to…
Experts Explain What Happens In Your Brain When You Take ‘Shrooms Magic Mushrooms are being researched for possible mental…
What do images of the brain under psychedelics really tell us about its relation to the mind? -- Read more on…
In my previous article on the subject of nootropics, I was writing about the brain enhancing effects of some medicines and…
La topologia algebrica è la disciplina del futuro nello studio del cervello. Non solo, sarà anche un prezioso strumento nei…
Nagłówki światowej prasy obiega wieść o współfinansowanym przeze mnie* historycznym badaniu dotyczącym neuroobrazowania…
C'è una branca della matematica chiamata "Topologia persistente" che ha applicazioni spesso sorprendenti all'analisi della…
Here at Wired Science, we're big fans of science graphics. And not just the fancy, big-budget ones, but charts and figures and…
Petri et al. show that "the brain's functional patterns undergoes a dramatic change post-psilocybin, characterized by the…
The drug causes regions of the brain that don't usually communicate to create new connections.The classic anti-drug ads showing…
New research suggests an old product could give the human brain some new functions.
Dr. David Nutt and a team of researchers have published a study on the psychoactive substance in mushrooms, psilocybin, and how…
A new way of looking at the mind's activity may give insight into how psychedelic drugs produce their consciousness-altering…
A new way of looking at the mind's activity may give insight into how psychedelic drugs produce their consciousness-altering…
Psychedelic substances can change a user’s mindset in profound ways — a fact that’s relevant even to those who’ve never touched…